
The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. Acceleration refers to the measure of how quickly an object’s velocity changes over time. It is defined as the rate of change of velocity. In simpler terms, acceleration represents the speed at which an object’s velocity is changing. When an object undergoes a change in velocity, either … Read more


The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. Inertia is a property of matter that describes its resistance to changes in motion. It is the natural tendency of an object to maintain its current state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. In other words, an object at rest will … Read more


The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. Gravity is a force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth or towards any other massive physical body. It is a fundamental force of nature that acts on all objects with mass. Gravity plays a significant role in shaping the structure of the universe and … Read more

Drag (physics)

The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. Drag, also referred to as fluid resistance, is a physical force that opposes the motion of an object[1][2] as it moves through a fluid medium, such as air. When an object travels through the air, the air molecules interact with its surface and create a force of … Read more

Applied force

The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. An applied force refers to the force exerted on an object by another object or a person.[1][2] It is the result of a direct application of force to the object, typically through physical contact. The applied force can cause a change in the motion or state of … Read more

Unbalanced force

The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. An unbalanced force is a force that causes a change in the motion of an object.[1][2] It occurs when the forces acting on an object are not balanced and do not cancel each other out. As a result, the object is not in a state of equilibrium … Read more

Balanced force

The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. A balanced force refers to a situation in which the forces acting on an object have equal magnitudes but opposite directions.[1][2] When the forces acting on an object are balanced, they effectively cancel each other out, resulting in a state of equilibrium in which the object does … Read more

Normal force

The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. The normal force is a contact force exerted by a surface to support the weight of an object resting on it.[1] It acts perpendicular to the surface and prevents the object from sinking into or passing through the surface, serving as a barrier that prevents solid objects … Read more


The information on this page is ✔ fact-checked. In physics, force is described as a push or pull[1][2] that one object exerts on another. It represents an interaction capable of altering the motion of the object upon which it acts.[3] Forces are evident whenever two objects interact with one another.[4] Examples Toy train When a … Read more