Germanium protons neutrons electrons

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Germanium protons neutrons electrons
Germanium protons neutrons electrons | Image: Learnool

Germanium has 32 protons, 41 neutrons, and 32 electrons.

Germanium protons

  • Protons = atomic number

From the periodic table, find the atomic number of germanium.

Germanium location on periodic table | Image: Learnool

The atomic number of germanium is 32. Hence, germanium has a total of 32 protons.

Germanium neutrons

  • Neutrons = atomic mass – atomic number
Germanium neutrons | Image: Learnool

The atomic mass of germanium is 72.64, so we’ll take the roundup value as 73. And the atomic number of germanium is 32.

Subtract the atomic number (32) from the atomic mass (73). Hence, germanium has a total of 73 – 32 = 41 neutrons.

Germanium electrons

  • Electrons = atomic number
Germanium electrons | Image: Learnool

The atomic number of germanium is 32. Hence, germanium has a total of 32 electrons.

Next: Arsenic protons neutrons electrons


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